Littlefoot Meets The Fox and the Hound 2/Transcript
Opening/Amos, Chief and Copper come to visit edit
Littlefoot: It's really great to see you, Mr. Slade.
Amos Slade: It's great see you too, Littlefoot and your friends too.
Cera: Are Chief and Copper outside?
Amos Slade: Why, yes they are. They're waiting for ya'll outside. So, why don't you kids go outside and play with my dogs, huh?
Heroes: Sure, Mr. Slade.
(The heroes go outside to greet Chief and Copper.)
Chief: Hey, kids!
Copper: Hey, you, guys! How y'all doing?
Littlefoot: Hi, Chief! Hi, Copper!
SpongeBob and Patrick: Yippee! Copper, Copper!
(The heroes run up to Chief and Copper hugging them.)
Chief: It's so good to see you kids again.
Cera: It sure has!
Littlefoot: It's been a while since we met you guys.
Bugs Bunny: We're so glad you came to visit.
Daffy Duck: Yep, it looks like you're ready to hang out with us.
Copper: Now, where's my little buddy, Ash?
Ash Ketchum: Here I am, Copper!
(Ash happily hugs Copper.)
Copper: Hey, Ash! How's my little buddy?
Ash Ketchum: I'm doing great. Copper. Did you miss me?
Copper: Of course I missed you, Ash. It's so great to see ya, little buddy.
(Pikachu hugs Copper.)
PIkachu: Pika, Pikachu!
Copper: It's great to see you too, Pikachu. (licks him on the head)
Copper's flashback story/Friends for life edit
Copper: Ya'll remember being at the County fair with Tod and me?
Heroes: Nope.
Pikachu: (shaking his head) Pika.
Copper: Well, I do.
Littlefoot: Really, when was that, Copper?
Copper: Well, Littlefoot, I remember one day after you guys first met when I was a little pup just a few days before my very first hunting trip with Chief and my master.
(The scene flashes back on the farm back when Tod and Copper were little puppies.)
Adult Copper: (voiceover) That was when Tod and I were playing but the problem was I couldn't get my tracking right.
(Young Tod runs past young Copper which caused him to groan in disappointment.)
Young Copper: There you are, Tod.
Young Tod: Shh. I found one.
Young Copper: No way. Look at the size of that thing.
Young Tod: It sure is ugly.
Young Copper: It's a monster.
Young Tod: (sniffs) I can smell it's evil breath from here.
Young Copper: No ,uh, that's me. I had socks for lunch.
Young Tod: (disgusted) Ugh!
Copper's hunting lesson edit
(Amos seethes angrily while Copper whimpers sadly.)
Amos Slade: (furiously) Bad dog, Copper! You are a very bad dog!
(Young Copper winches while whimpering hurtfully.)
Heroes: (sympathetic) Aww.
Amos Slade: (annoyed, to heroes) Well, what are you kids looking at?!
Littlefoot: (nervously) Nothing, we're just leaving!
(We cut to Amos carrying Copper to his barrel.)
Amos Slade: Well, you could just forget about the fair, Copper. (bonks his head) Oh, dagnabbit! (tying a rope around Copper's collar) You couldn't find a rabbit on Easter Sunday. There, that oughta keep you out of trouble. Let's go, Chief. Fair's a waitin'.
(Amos hears Copper whimper and then his face as he noticed Copper's puppy dog eyes.)
Amos Slade: (calmly) Aww, you'll get it one day, boy. (picks him up) You just got to grow up a little is all.
(Amos puts down Copper, pets his head then he leaves with Chief.)
Outing to the county fair/We're in Harmony edit
Young Copper: There's that sound again.
(They hear that it was coming from the barn)
Young Copper: Sounds pretty good.
Young Tod: Sounds like somebody got their tail stuck in a door.
(They peek inside and see five dogs, who were singing)
Singing Strays: (singing) We're in harmony
We're in harmony
Cash: Voice like a angel. With looks to match.
Granny Rose: Oh, please.
Dixie: (singing) We're in harmo...
(As she was almost finished, she steps on a loose board, and it hits her in the rear)
Dixie: Aah! (grunts) Oh, my poor... (sighs) Darn this one horse, two-bit, three-timin' fair.
Cash: Now, Dixie, it ain't like it smacked your singin'. Can we get back to rehearsin', please?
Dixie: I refuse to work under these conditions.
Granny Rose: Uh-oh. Here we go.
Cash: Well, I'll tell you what, Dixie. You rehearse, and afterwards I'll give that piece of wood a good ol' talkin' to, all right?
Floyd: I got two bones on Dixie.
Waylon: I'll cover that.
Dixie: It just so happens I am a professional, and my standards...
Cash: Oh, now, Dixie, darlin', you put on that same ol' record every day. Ain't it just about wore out by now?
Dixie: You have some nerve talkin' to me that way, Cash. If your ear were any more tin, they'd can can beans with it.
Cash: Well, you listen to me, Miss fancy-tail. In a couple of days, we'll be in front of that talent scout from the Grand Ole Opry.
Dixie: (sighs) I get possibly maimed for life, and all you can talk about is the Grand Ole Opry?
Cash: Oh, now, Dixie...
Dixie: I'll be in my trailer.
Cash: Darlin', we got a show to do. You can't just walk...
(It was too late as Dixie walked out of the barn)
Cash: ...away.
Cash and Dixie's argument/Meeting the Singing Strays edit
Cash: Oh, Dixie, you ain't mad over a little joshin', are ya?
(The RV doors opene)
Cash: I was only teasin' ya. You know how I feel about ya.
(Dixie was in the driver's seat)
Dixie: Yeah, you have a lousy way of showin' it. (closes the doors)
Cash: (sputtering) I am tryin' to kiss and make up here. Now, won't you please accept my apology?
Dixie: (opens the doors) Blow it out your ear. (closes the doors)
Cash: All right you diva dog, but I'm in charge of this band and ain't no one's indispensable.
Dixie: (opens the doors) You're in charge? (chuckles) Which one of us is in the driver's seat?
Cash: Now, listen you...
(Before Cash could finish, Dixie closes the doors on his nose and mouth)
Cash: (nasal) Now, you got me riled.
(The heroes enjoy their ride on the carousel)
???: Yahoo!
???: I love this ride!
???: Me too!
(Tod laughs while Copper on the other hand feels sick to his stomach and throws up)
Young Tod: All right. Yee-haw! Ride 'em, cowboy, away. Whoo-hoo! (laughing) Yee-haw! All right. This is the most fun ever.
Cash: Second most fun ever.
Young Copper: Mr. Cash.
Cash: (to Tod) Can you sing, kid?
Young Tod: Uh...
???: We don't know if he can.
Young Copper: Course he can sing. Show him, Tod.
Tod: (sings off-key) We're in har...
(Tod's off-key singing causes the people to scream and the heroes cover their ears as the ride stops)
???: Ow! My ears are ringing.
???: Mine too.
Cash: Hoo hoo! Here's the good news. You're gonna be part of the entourage.
Young Tod: What's that?
Cash: That's French. Means you get to hang out with our new star here. Keep him happy.
Young Copper: He does that already.
Cash: And you know, uh, fetch water, clean dog bowls, fun stuff like that.
Young Tod: That's fun?
Cash: Does Granny have fleas?
Young Copper: Aw, come on, Tod. It's gonna be great.
Young Tod: Well, Okay.
Cash: All right, then. Let's get movin'.
(Copper, Tod, Cash, and the heroes walked passed the RV. The doors open)
Dixie: Oh, Cash.
Cash: Hey, Dixie.
Dixie: You've come crawlin' back.
Cash: Oh, by the way, you can't quit. You're fired.
Dixie: (gasps) What?! You can't fire me. I already quit. Cash, you get back...
(Then the doors close on Dixie's nose and mouth, just like Cash)
Dixie: (nasal) Now, you've got me riled.
Copper joins the Singing Strays/Dixie's Secret of Success edit
Dixie: Psst! Little Darlin'.
(Copper got her attention)
Dixie: Come on in. Dixie wants to talk to ya.
(Copper enters the RV)
Copper: But I'm supposed to sing now.
Dixie: Oh, I know, I know. I just wanna pass along my secret of success.
Copper: Really? Thanks, Miss Dixie.
Dixie: Before every show, take a big ol' helpin' of that. (hands out a jar of peanut butter)
Copper: (sniffing) (wags his tail) Peanut butter?
Hound Dude/Tod's argument with Copper edit
Good Doggie, No Bone edit
Chief chases Tod/Stampede at the fair edit
Copper gets fired/Blues Beyond edit
Young Tod: (apologetic) Copper, I'm sorry. I just want to-
Young Copper: (angrily) You ruined everything!
Tod and Copper make up edit
Dixie: (arrives at Copper's house after he got fired and Tod's fault with Waylon and Floyd and Granny Rose feeling bad and never tells Cash) Copper?
Young Copper: (saw Dixie) Dixie? What are you doing' here?
Dixie: (tells Copper the truth about her plan) I just thought you should know that blowing your cover was my idea. Not Tod's. I guess I just lost sight of what's really important. And, darlin', I'm awful sorry. He never wanted to hurt you. He just wanted you to be his friend again. Well... That's what I came to say.
Young Copper: (realizes his mistake for blaming Tod back at the fair and thinks he owes Tod an apology)
(Cash then looks at Tod, Copper, and the heroes)
Cash: Just why exactly did you get us all together?
We go together/Ending edit
Young Copper: If I ever forget that again, you'd just kick my walk in the way in.
Young Tod: (laughs) Shake on it?
Young Copper: (laughs) Shake on it.
(Tod and Copper shake themselves and the heroes laugh in amusement.)
Littlefoot: Come on, guys, let's go back to Mrs. Tweed's house.
Cera: Yeah, we don't want to miss listening to the Singing Strays on the radio.
(The scene flashes back to the present)
Littlefoot: (sighs) We really had our fun days with Tod.
Cera: Yeah, I wish I could see him again.
Ducky: Me too.
Petrie: Me three.
Copper: Oh, you guys will soon. Just remember, guys, Tod will always be our friend in our hearts not by flesh. Ya'll have memories of Tod, and so do I. Agreed?
Heroes: Agreed.
Ash Ketchum: Hey, Copper?
Copper: Hmm?
Ash Ketchum: Do you miss Tod?
Copper: Yeah, sometimes. But not all the time, Ash.