Littlefoot's Adventures of Pokémon Heroes

Littlefoot's Adventures of Pokémon Heroes is another Land Before Time/Pokémon crossover film planned to be made by Daniel Esposito. It will appear on as part of a double feature with Littlefoot's Adventures of Camp Pikachu in the near future.

Plot edit

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Chomper, Ruby, Guido, Grandpa Longneck, and Grandma Longneck (along with The 100 Acre Avatar League, Rex, Woog, Dweeb, Elsa, Toaster, Lampy, Radio, Blanky, Kirby, Aladar, Neera, Plio, Yar, Zini, Suri, Baylene, Eema, Url, Princess Odette, and Prince Derek) must help Ash and his friends to protect the two special water Pokémon called Latios and Latias from two women named Annie and Oakley, whom Sharptooth, Ozzy, Strut, Ichy, Dil, Rinkus, Sierra, Red Claw, Screech, Thud, Ratigan, Fidget, the Carnotaurs, and Rothbart work for.

Trivia edit