Emerl is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He was an ancient and powerful Gizoid that was created 4,000 years ago by the Fourth Great Civilization. Millennia later, Emerl was discovered by Gerald Robotnik, who, in an attempt to quell his destructive tendencies, gave him a "soul" based on that of his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik. In the present day, Emerl was acquired by Dr. Eggman, who tried to use him for world domination, but threw him away when he refused to respond to his commands. He was later found by Sonic the Hedgehog, who, together with his friends and allies, shaped Emerl into an independent and free being. Tragically, Emerl was destroyed upon self-destructing when he went haywire and tried to destroy the earth.
Copy Ability
Sonic the Hedgehog
- Spin Dash
Rouge the Bat
- Screw Kick
- Atomic Breath
- Kamehameha
- Solar Flare
- Destructo Disk
- Kaioken
- Spirit Bomb
- Instant Transmission
- Dragon Fist
- Galick Gun
- Big Bang Attack
- Final Flash
- Special Beam Cannon
- Masenko
- Kenatsu
- Wind Scar
- Backlash Wave
Philmac the Unknown (passed away)
- 0/1 Cannon Blast
- Philmac's Vendetta
Izuku Midoriya
- Detroit Smash
- Delaware Smash
- One For All: Full Cowl
- 5% Detroit Smash
- Double Detroit Smash
- Delaware Smash Air Force
- One For All - 30%
- One For All - 45%
- St. Louis Smash Air Force
- One For All - 100%
- 100% Detroit Smash
- 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash
- Texas Smash
- Wyoming Smash
- One For All: Full Cowl - Shoot Style
- Shoot Style: St. Louis Smash
- One For All: Full Cowl - 20%
- Manchester Smash
- One For All: Full Cowl - 30%
- One For All: Full Cowl - 100%
Katsuki Bakugo
- Explosive Speed
- Stun Grenade
- Zero Distance Stun Grenade
- Howitzer Impact
- AP Shot
- AP Shot: Auto-Cannon
- AP Machine-Gun
- AP Shot: Auto-Cannon
- Explode-A-Pult
Sir Nighteye (passed away)
- Foresight
- Laser powers
Rex Salazar
- Smack hands
- Combat drill
- Boogie pack
- Slam cannon
- Rex ride
- Punk busters
- Big fat sword
- Battle saw
Omega-1 Nanite machines
- Blast caster
- Funchucks
- Bad axes
- Block party
- Sky slyder
French Miraculous Superhero Team
- Lucky Charm
Cat Noir
- Cataclysm
Rena Rouge
- Mirage
- Venom
- Shell-ter
- Second Chance
- Voyage
King Monkey
- Uproar
- Unnamed Dragon Miraculous superpower
- Burrow
- Gift
- Multitude
Purple Tigress
- Clout
- Genesis
Rooster Bold
- Sublimation
- Resistance
Miss Hound
- Fetch
- Amokization
- Kamikoization
- As the leader of his own, he is kind-hearted, brave, loyal and a very serious robot.
- Emerl is the leader of his own team called the Dimensional Heroes and the Sega Unit Patrol Squad 1 Adventure Teams.
- Emerl will meet Xion as one of a member of Team Robot and will be her boyfriend in Team Robot in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
- Emerl will use a Keyblade called Divewing in Emerl's Adventures Of Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
- Emerl will meet Barney in Team Robot in Barney's Great Adventure and see him again in Team Robot's Adventures of Barney's Imagination Island and Emerl's Adventures Of Barney in Outer Space.
Emerl with his Lion Guard Mark
Emerl as the Black Data Squad Ranger
Emerl as the Dark Warrior
Ultimate Emerl
Berserker Emerl
Emerl (One for All Aura)
Emerl (Jetspeed Mode)
Super Emerl
Emerl's Keyblade (Divewing)
From Sonic X