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Divide and Conquer/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! Where the most dastardly, most vile, most crooked degenerates plot their most wicked schemes.

(During this line, dissolve to a slow pan along with a brick wall plastered with WANTED posters. The following evildoers are shown: the Gangrene Gang (“Punks”), Sedusa (“Jezebel”), Roach Coach (“Dirty”), and the Rowdyruff Boys (“Jerks”). Partly visible at the bottom of the screen is a poster of someone named Jim; while the face is not seen, the hairstyle suggests that it might be the same Jim who appeared in “Mime for a Change” and “Him Diddle Riddle.” The camera stops briefly after passing the Rowdyruffs’ poster, then turns down quickly to show the Amoeba Boys standing in front of the wall. Bossman is smiling proudly, but Skinny Slim and Tiny, a.k.a. Junior, are apparently not on his wavelength just yet.)