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Buckball Season (SRAoMLPFiM)/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Opening/What's Buckball?[edit | edit source]

Chuck: Hey, Apples!

Rainbow Dash: What'cha doing?

Applejack: Well, I was practicing my distance bucking.

Sonic: Distance bucking?

Rouge: What for?

Applejack: Because cousin Brayburn and the rest of the Apple family in Appleloosa seemed to think that they're team can beat Ponyville in Buckball.

Practicing for Buckball[edit | edit source]

Rainbow Dash: So, basically Buckball is like the coolest game ever. Offense, defense, teamwork, nonstop action! It's got it all!

Training Scene[edit | edit source]

The Zone Sounds Like a Horrible Place![edit | edit source]

Rainbow and Applejack Realize Their Mistake[edit | edit source]


Rainbow Dash:

Chuck: Maybe the training got them unsure about the crowd cheering for them.

Winning the Big Game/Ending[edit | edit source]