Battle for the Sorcerer's Hat/Transcript
This is the transcript for Battle for the Sorcerer's Hat.
Transcript edit
Part 1 edit
Part 2 edit
- Nastu Dragneel: What's this?
- Happy: Looks like some kind of hat.
- Lucy Heartfilia: That's a sorcerer hat. But where did it come from?
- Gray Fullbuster: Someone must've drop it from somewhere.
- Erza Scarlet: This hat looks very familiar I feel like I've seen it before.
- Wendy Marvell: But who's hat is this? It must've belong to a great powerful sorcerer.
- Carla: You may be right Wendy. It really belongs to someone.
- Nastu: Whatever I'm gonna try it on.
(Nastu picks up Yen Sid's hat as he getting ready to put it on his head when they heard a voice.)
- Cera: (OS) Drop that hat!
- Nastu: Huh? (drops the hat.) Oops!
- Happy: (catches it.) Got it!
- Lucy Heartfilia: (sighs in relief and turns and sees, Pooh, Ash, Littlefoot, Twilight and the others coming their way.) Huh? Who are these guys?
- Rabbit: No, wait! The reason we want that hat is because it belongs to Master Yen Sid!
(Erza stopped the attack after hearing what Rabbit just said.)
- Erza Scarlet: Did you say, Master Yen Sid?
- Rabbit: Why yes.
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Part 9 edit
Ariel: You've been deceived. Bowser is not the man he claims to be. He's more vicious than I could have ever comprehended. When I made a wish and Star came down. This is not what I expected, or intended. But now it's happened I don't regret it. (Flashback showing Bowser using the hat to suck King Triton inside) 'Cause now I've seen him show his true colors. In shades of green. Saying that your wishes aren't safe because of me and That's a lie lie lie lie And I know I can't do this on my own and If it's not us then who and when? If we don't fight, he knows he wins Not allowed Knowing what I know now The lengths he'll go There's no amount I won't sit back Watch this play out That's my vow Knowing what I know now
Twilight Sparkle: Get up yah! Know I'm not the only one that's
All: Yah!
Twilight Sparkle: Fed up
All: Yah!
Tigger: Wait til' they hear our feet go dun dun dun dun
All: Yeah!
Korra: I don't think he's prepared for what's coming
All & Ensemble: A revolution hit the ground runnin'
Ariel: If there's one thing he can't keep down
All: Uh-huh
Ariel and Twilight Sparkle: It's us and the strength we've found It's too loud
All: Loud
Ariel: Knowing what we know now
All: Knowing what we know now
Pooh: And who, who knows if we'll succeed?
All: But we
Korra: Won't stop and we won't retreat, or turn round
All: Round
Ariel: Knowing what we know now
All: Knowing what we know now (Every heroes are preparing for battle) Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Hoo-ha-hoo-ha-hoo-ha Hoo (Hoo-hoo)
Woody Woodpecker: Can he tell what we're becomin'
Tigger: Hear it in the way we're drummin'
Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon: I was sweet but now I'm something else
All: Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah!
Tigger: Ain't it nice of us to drop in
Korra: To take what's ours to take it back in
Simba: He thinks we're nothing
Ariel: But we're something else
All: Yah!
Enter Ash's childhood friend, Serena
Serena: I've seen too many Bad things that I can't keep count
All: He loves
Serena: One thing more than himself His crown
All: Crown
Serena: Knowing what I know now
All: Knowing what I know now
Serena: The good in him, (Flashback showing Bowser using Yen Sid's hat to turn Ash into Evil while Serena is still singing) I've watched it melt
All: I was
Serena: Fooled by the love I felt So profound
All: Ahhh
Serena: Knowing what I know
Ariel: I know
Twilight Sparkle: I know
Simba, Tigger and Woody Woodpecker: We know now
All: Knowing what we know now
Title TO BE CONTINUED.. appeared at the end of Part 9.
Part 10 edit
Our Heroes celebrates their victory with their friends and families unaware that something black and smoky came out of Yen Sid's hat as well, became bigger and started traveling down an old railway line with chuffing following by a low deep whistling as the black smoke formed into a shape of a tank engine disappeared into the distance as the final part ends.