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Ash's Adventures of Lady and the Tramp/Transcript

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This is the transcript to Ash's Adventures of Lady and the Tramp.

Opening/Darling Family receives Lady for Christmas[edit | edit source]

(Movie starts at the Walt Disney Pictures Logo and we fade to the title Lady and the Tramp and we fade to the opening credits)

  • Chorus Singers: (SINGING) This is the night. It's a beautiful night. And they call it bella notte. Look at the skies. They have stars in their eyes. On this lovely bella notte. So take the love of your loved one. You'll need it about this time. To keep from falling like a star. When you make that dizzy climb. For this is the night. And the heavens are right. On this lovely bella notte. On this lovely bella notte.

(In the whole history of the world there is but one thing that money can not buy, to wit- the wag of a dog's tail Rush Billings So it is to all dogs- be they LADIES or TRAMPS that this picture is respectfully dedicated-)

  • Singer: Silent as the snowflake in the night Holy is the spirit of this night All the world is calm And peaceful All the world is bright and joyful Spirit of love And child of peace Love unending That shall not cease Peace, my children Of goodwill Peace, my children Peace, be still

(It's Christmas day of the year 1910 and a very special one for a young couple because it's their first one together. Jim Dear hands his wife, Darling, a gift box tied with a big ribbon.)

Jim: (giving Darling a present) It's for you, Darling. Merry Christmas.

Darling: Oh, Jim Dear, it's the one I was admiring, isn't it? Trimmed with ribbons?

(As Darling opens the present, the puppy with a red bow whimpers)

JIM DEAR: Uh, well, it has a ribbon. (the box is opened and appears to be a puppy)

 Darling: Oh, how sweet!

(Lady licks Darling on a cheek.)

Jim: You like her, darling?       

Darling: Oh, I love her. What a perfectly beautiful little lady.

Bedtime with Lady[edit | edit source]

(The night has come, and Lady must go to bed, but she doesn't like her bed)

  • Jim: Come on, Lady. Over here. That's a girl. There now. A nice little bed for you.
  • Darling: But, Jim dear, are you sure she'll be warm enough?

Jim: Why, of course, darling. She'll be snug as a bug in a...(realizing) Uh-oh. Almost forgot something. (Jim lays the newspaper on the floor for Lady when she was going to use the bathroom.) There. (And after that, Jim turns the light off.) Good night, Lady. (to Darling) Now, now. Don't worry darling. She'll go right to sleep. (But Lady follows them) No, no Lady. There is where you belong. Right here. (Jim puts her in the basket again, but she follows them yipping)

  • Darling: Ah, look she's lonesome. Don't you think, maybe, just for a night?
  • Jim: Now darling, if we are going to show her whose master we must be firm from the very beginning. (he puts Lady in the basket once more but now, to be sure she's not going to follow them again, he puts a chair in front of the door, so, in this way Lady must be stay in her place. She whimpers loud) Lady, stop that now. Stop it. (whimpering resumes howling) Lady quiet now. Do ya hear me? Back to bed. Quick now. Not one more sound.

(It's two o'clock in the morning and Lady is scraping, trying to escape. She goes upstairs and finds her new bedroom. She whimpers there.)

  • Darling: Jim dear.
  • Jim: (groans Lady whimpers and howls again)
  • Darling: Aw Jim.
  • Jim: Hmm? What? What? Oh! (yawning) Oh, all right. But remember, just for tonight. (he puts Lady on the bed)

Lady's Morning[edit | edit source]

(Time passes and we see Lady sleeping in the same place of the bed, but she's a puppy no more. Cock crowing. Lady opens her eyes. It's a new day. She says good morning to her masters. They must be awaken)

  • Jim: (yawning) All right Lady. All right. I'm up. I'm up Lady. Oh no!
  • Darling: What's wrong Jim? What is it?
  • Jim: Can't you explain to Lady about Sundays?

(Meanwhile, Lady goes downstairs to do her daily homework.)

Ash and friends meet Lady[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: Um, excuse me, miss?

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Lady: Oh, why hello there, I see that you can understand me.

Louise Belcher: It's a kind of long story, but we'll tell you later.

Lady: Anyway, my name is Lady. What's yours?

Ash Ketchum: I'm Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika.

Misty: I'm Misty and this my Togepi.

Togepi: Togi.

Lady: My, my, aren't you sweet little darlings?

Pikachu: (blushing) Pika.

Togepi: Togi. (giggling)

Brock: I'm Brock.

Aladar: I'm Aladar and this is my mate Neera.

Neera: Hi.

Aladar: The rest are my family Yar, Plio, Zini and Suri.

Yar: Hello.

Suri: Hi.

Baylene: I'm Baylene.

Eema: And I'm Eema and this is Url.

Bob Belcher: I'm Bob Belcher and this is my wife Linda and my three children: Tina, Gene, and Louise.

Lady: It's nice to see you darlings. (Lady notices the rat)

Ash Ketchum: You saw something?

Lady: Yes, I saw a rat! (she sees a rat near the house and goes after it)

Ash Ketchum: Yeah! Get that rat, Lady!

(Lady chased after the rat but it ran further away.)

Ash Ketchum: Did you get that rat?

Lady: No, Ash, it got away.

Linda Belcher: My family and I have had pest problems like this before back at our restaurant.

(She hears the bicycle ring belling)

Misty: What's that sound?

Togepi: Togi.

Lady: That's a bicycle bell. (Lady catches the paper.)

Lady: Oh, you can come to my master's house if you like?

Ash Ketchum: Sure, why not?

Misty: Who are your masters?

Lady: Jim Dear and Darling.

(The heroes are at Jim Dear and Darling's house)

Jim: Lady, who are your friends?

Ash Ketchum: My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu. Be careful with him, 'cause he has 1,000 volts of electricity.

Pikachu: Pika.

Misty: I'm Misty and this is my partner, Togepi.

Togepi: Togi.

Jim: Don't worry, I'll be careful with him, Ash.

Darling: My, your partners are cute!

(Pikachu blushes and Togepi blushes as well.)

Jim: Who are your friends, Ash?

Brock: I'm Brock.

Aladar: I'm Aladar and this is my mate Neera.

Neera; Hi.

Aladar: The rest are my family Yar, Plio, Zini and Suri.

Yar: Hello.

Suri: Hi.

Baylene: I'm Baylene.

Eema: And I'm Eema and this is Url.

(It's breakfast time. We see Jim trying to read the paper with an enormous hole in the middle.)

Jim: Have you notice Darling, since we've had Lady we see less and less of those disturbing headlines?

Darling: Yes. I don't know how we ever got along without her.

Jim: She must be about six months old. We'd better be getting her a licence.

(Scene changes. Darling is opening a box for Lady. There's her licence inside.)

Darling: Hope it fits. My, but it does look nice. So grown up. Won't Jock and Trusty be surprised?

Lady: How do I look, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: You look amazing, Lady!

Lady: Thank you! Oh, you gotta come with me!

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Jim, is it okay if I follow Lady?

Jim: Yes but be careful out there!

Ash Ketchum: We will! Come on guys, let's follow Lady! So where are we going, Lady?

Lady: We're going to show my licence to Jock and Trusty.

Ash Ketchum: Who's Jock and Trusty?

Lady: Jock is my Scottish neighbor friend and Trusty is my friend as well.

Ash Ketchum: I can't wait to meet them!

Misty: Me too!

Brock: Me three!

Heroes: Us too!

(Another dog is in the scene. It's Jock, a Scottish neighbour friend of Lady. He's hiding a bone in his secret place.)

Jock: Four steps ahead then turn to the left

And right to the place I marked itWith the bonny, bonny boneThat I'll bury for me ownIn my bonny, bonny bankIn the backyard

Ah that's a great sight

Lady: Jock. Oh, Jock. (walks up to him) Hello, Jock.

Jock: Oh, it's you, lassie.

Lady: Notice anything different.

Jock: You had a bath.

Lady: No, not that.

Jock: You've had your nails clipped?

Lady: Mmm-mm. Guess again.

Jock: Well, I-I wouldn't be a knowin' then. Why lassie a bonny new collar.

Lady: Do ya like it?

Jock: Aye. (sniffs the licence) Hmm, they must be very expensive. (sees the heroes) Well, who do we have here, lassie?

Lady: Jock, I'd like to meet my new friends.

Ash Ketchum: Hi Jock. My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu.

Pikachu Pika Pika.

Misty: I'm Misty and this is my partner, Togepi.

Togepi: Togi.

Brock: Hi, Jock. I'm Brock.

Neera: Hi, Jock, I'm Neera.

Aladar: I'm Aladar.

Baylene: I'm Baylene.

Eema: And I'm Eema and this is Url.

Url: Hi.

Yar: Hello.

Suri: Hi, Jock.

Jock: Hello, everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you all.

Ash Ketchum: It's a pleasure to meet you too, Jock.

Jock: Have you guys shown it to Trusty?

Lady: No.

Jock: We'd best go at once. You know how sensitive he is 'aboot' these things.

Ash Ketchum: Where is Trusty's house anyway?

Jock: He lives right next door, Ash, me lad.

(Trusty's house. He is snoring and whimpering in dreams.)

Lady: He's dreaming.

Jock: Aye, dreaming of those bonny bygone days when he and his grandfather were trackin' criminals through the swamps.

Lady: They were?

Jock: That was before...

Lady: (interrupting) Before what?

Jock: 'Tis time you knew the truth lassie. It shouldn't happened to a dog but, well, Trusty lost his sense of smell.

Lady: No!

Jock: Aye! But we must never let on that we know lassie. It would break his poor heart.

Trusty: (he is sniffing in dreams and looking for a "criminal" -in fact, a little striped caterpillar-, and wakes up when he tops with his friends) Uh, which way did he go? Which way did he go?

Jock: Go?

Trusty: Yeah, big fella. About, six foot two. No, uh, three. Wore a stripped suit. No collar. Why, Miss Lady, you have a collar.

Lady: (nods) Mmm-hmm and a licence. And, these are my new friends.

Ash Ketchum: Hi, nice to meet you, Trusty. (shakes his paw)

Pikachu: Pika.

Trusty: It's nice to meet you too, Ash.

Trusty: My, my, how time does fly!

Jock: Aye, it seems only yesterday she was cuttin' her teeth on Jim Dear slippers, and now there she is a full grown lady

Trusty: Wearing the greatest honor man can bestow.

Jock: The badge of faith and respectability.

Trusty: That's right Miss Lady. As my grandpappy Old Reliable used to say� Don�t recollect if I�ve ever mentioned Old Reliable before.

Jock: Aye, ya have, laddie.

Trusty: Oh yeah.

Lady: It's Jim Dear. Please, excuse me.

(Lady spots that Jim Dear is on his way home; she runs, as is her habit, to race with him back to the front door)

Jim: Hello there Lady. Come on. Beat you home. Oh you win again. Steady now. Steady. He looks her licence Well, what have we here? Oh, big girl now, huh? opening the door All right. Oh, ladies first.

(Scene changes and we see Jim, Darling and Lady in front of the fire place.)

Jim You know, Darling, with Lady here I'd say life is quite complete.

Darling Yes dear, I don't imagine anything could ever take her place in our hearts.

Tramp's morning[edit | edit source]

(In an old railway station we discover a dog, sleeping until the train's whistle makes him open his eyes. It's our friend Tramp.)

Tramp: Ah, what a day! Well, now to dig up some breakfast. He walks through his neighbourhood and finally stops in front of a pets animal shop's window. Oh. Humm. Cute little rascals. Coochie, coochie, coochie coo Chuckles Now that breakfast. Let's see. Bernie's? Hmm? No. Francois? No, no nope. Too much starch. Ah Tony's. That's it. Haven't been there in a week.

(We hear a man singing in Italian)

Tony: And the call it bella notte' (Tramp scratches in the door) Well buongiorno, Butch. You want your breakfast, eh? Okay. The boss, he save a some a nice a bones for you. Breakfast a coming up from a left field. Ha-ha, good catch!

(Our friend is taking his breakfast when he hears a wagon stops so close. It's the dog pound wagon.)

Dog Catcher: Whoa, boy, whoa.

(He puts and advertisement in the wall which reads as follows: Warning. Notice hereby given that any unlicensed dog will be immediately impounded. By order of City Council)

Tramp: Hey. Psst. Psst.

Bull: Ha, ha, ha Blimey. Look, Peg. It's the Tramp.

Tramp: Shh.

Peg: Hiya, handsome. Come to join the party?

Tramp: All right, all right. No time for wisecracks. I've got to get ya out. I'm telling ya the pressure's really hot. Signs all over the town.

Peg: Gee, thanks.

Bull: You're a bit of all right, chum.

Tramp: Okay, okay. Now, get going.

Dog Catcher: Hey, what's going on over there!?

Tramp: Scream! And be careful!

(He's hidden under the wagon and when the man appears he bits his leg)

Dog Catcher: What you mangy mutt. Hey, let go! Let go of me!

(Tramp runs away in the opposite direction and distracts the man)

Tramp: Well, snob hill, ha. (He is in Lady's neighborhood) Hi gals. (to the pigeons) How's pickings? Pretty slim, eh? Yeah. I'll bet they've got a lid on every trash can. Uh-oh. And a fence around every tree. I wonder what the leash and collar set does for excitement.

Meeting Tramp/ Ash, Pikachu and Lady walk to the park[edit | edit source]

(scene change at the Darling's house when Jock and Trusty come to visit Lady and her new friends.)

Jock: Lassie? Children?

Trusty: Oh, Miss Lady ma'am! Children?

(Jock walks up to Ash, Misty and Brock who are comforting a depressed Lady.)

Jock: Ah, good morning, lassie and good morning, children. Good morning, Pikachu and Togepi.

Ash, Misty and Brock: Good morning, Jock.

Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.

Trusty: Good morning, kids. And good morning, Pikachu and Togepi.

Ash. Misty and Brock: Good morning, Trusty.

Jock: It is a bonny bright day. (sees Lady depressed)

Trusty: (concerned) Why, Miss Lady, is something wrong.

Jock: Aye, tell us, lassie, if somebody's mistreating you.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, that's not what happened, Jock.

Lady: Ash is right, Jock. It's something I've done. I guess. It must be. Jim Dear and Darling are acting so... (hears Darling hum)

Trusty: Jim Dear and Darling?

Jock: Hush, man.

Brock: Let's go over there where we can be more private.

Yar: Good idea, Brock.

(Lady, Jock and the heroes go over to a private place and Trusty follows them.)

Jock: Now, lassie, get on with the details.

Plio: What actually happened?

Lady: Well, Plio, I'm glad you asked. I first noticed the other day when Jim Dear came home.

(The flashback appears where Lady looks out the window and goes outside to greet Jim Dear.)

Jim Dear: Down, Lady, down! (Lady thinks he's going to give her a ball but he walks inside) Darling, Darling, are you all right?

Darling: Why, of course I am. Why shouldn't I be?

(Lady runs around the yard and goes inside.)

Jim Dear: I can't just help worry after all in your condition alone here all day walking that dog.

(Lady get's a shocked expression upon hearing what Jim Dear said about her then the flashback ends.)

Jock: (shocked) "That dog?"

Trusty: (shocked) "That dog?"

Aladar: Is that what happened?

Lady: Mmm-hmm. He's never called me that before.

(Misty pets Lady while comforting her.)

Jock: Well, lassie. I wouldn't worry about my wee head about that. Remember, they're only humans after all.

Misty: See, Lady, you shouldn't let that comment upset you.

Trusty: That's right, Miss Lady. As my grandpappy, Ol' Reliable used to say...I don't recollect that I've mentioned Ol' Reliable before?

Jock: Aye, you have, laddie. Frequently.

Trusty: Oh. yeah.

Lady: But now Darling is-- Well, we always enjoyed our afternoon romp together. But yesterday.

(The flashback appears where Lady runs into the living room with a leash where Darling is humming to herself while sewing as Lady barks to get Darling's attention but she was too busy to notice. Lady puts down the leash and she whines pleadingly while pawing Darling's leg.)

Darling: (picks up the leash) No, Lady. No walk today.

(Darling continues humming and sewing while Lady gets her ball and barks while wanting to play with her.)

Darling: (picks up the ball) No, Lady. Not now. (the yarn ball rolls down and Lady playfully tugs it but Darling gets frustrated and serious) Lady! Drop that, Lady! (gets up and whacks her) Drop it, I say!

(Lady does so and she felt ashamed for upsetting Darling then the flashback ends.)

Misty: Does that hurt you, Lady?

Lady: No, Misty, it didn't hurt really. But Darling has never struck me before.

Jock: (chuckles) Now, lassie, do not take it too seriously. After all, at a time like this...

Trusty: Why, yes, Miss Lady... there come's a time in the life of all human when, uh... Well, as they put it, uh, the birds and the bees. Or, well, uh the stork. You know? Uh, no? Well, then, uh...

Jock: What he's trying to say, lassie, is... Darling is expecting a wee barin.

Lady: (confused) "Barin?"

Trusty: She means a baby, Miss Lady.

Eema: A baby? Why, that's wonderful news.

Trusty: Yes, isn't it?

Lady: (understands) Oh. What's a baby?

(Tramp walks in the neighborhood.)

Jock: Well, they, they resemble humans. (Tramp listens to the conversation)

Trusty: But I'd say a mite smaller

Yar: Most babies grow up.

Jock: Aye. And they walk on all fours.

Trusty: And if I remember correctly, they "beller" alot

Jock: Aye. And they're very expensive. You'll be no permitted to play with.

Trusty: But they're might sweet.

Jock: And, they're very, very soft.

Tramp: (butting in as he walks into the yard) Just a cute little bundle of trouble. Yeah, they scratch, pinch, pull ears. (Trusty, Jock and the heroes glare at Tramp in annoyance) Ah, but, shucks, any dog can take that. (sits down) That's what they do to your happy home. (shoved Jock aside) Move it over, will you, friend? (to Lady) Home wreckers, that's what they are.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, mister, you can't just barge into people's yards!

Misty: Yeah, mister, that's very rude to butt into conversations!

Jock: Those children are right, laddie! Who are you to barge in?!

Tramp: The voice of experience, buster. [chuckles] Just wait till junior gets here, (scratches his ear) you'll get the urge of nice comfortable scratching and, (Trusty scratches himself) (woman's voice) Put that dog out! He'll get fleas all over the baby! You start barking at some strange mutt. (barking loudly at Jock) (woman's voice) Stop that racket! You'll wake the baby!

(The heroes roll their eyes at Tramp.)

Suri: (whispers) Oh, brother.

Zini: (whispers) What's with him?

Yar: (whispers) I think he's making it up to scare Lady.

Tramp: And then, then they hit you in a room and board department. Remember those nice, juicy cuts of beef? Forget "em. Leftover baby food. And, that nice warm bed by the fire? (chuckles) A leaky doghouse.

Lady: (scared) Oh, dear!

Jock: Do not listen, lassie. No human is that cruel. (Tramps smiles)

Ash Ketchum: Neither are we.

Trusty: Of course not, Miss Lady. Why, everybody knows a dog's best friend is a human.

Tramp: (laughs) Oh, come on now, fellas. Oh, you haven't fall that old line now, have ya?

Jock: Aye, and we no need for mongrels and their radical ideas.

Misty: Why don't just get out of here, mister?!

Jock: You heard what Misty said! Off with ya now! Off with ya! Off with ya!

Tramp: Okay, Sandy and missy.

Jock: The name's Jock!

Misty: And the name is Misty!

Tramp: Okay, Jock and Misty.

Jock: Heather Lad O' Glencairn to you!

Tramp: (calmly) Okay, okay. (to Lady) But remember this, pigeon. A human heart has only so much room for love and affection. When a baby moves in...the dog moves out.

(Ash growls angrily and marches up to Tramp.)

Ash Ketchum: Now, look here, mister. Her name is Lady and you have no right to upset her. Now get out of here before I have my Pikachu shock you!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!

Tramp: Relax, kid, I'm just leaving. (leaves)

(Ash sighs in frustration and he instantly calms down. Then he and Pikachu walk back to the yard.)

Misty: (comforting Lady) Don't listen to the street dog, Lady.

Brock: Yeah, the street dog just doesn't understand anything about humans that are nice to dogs.

(Trusty placed his paw onto Brock's shoulder gently.)

Trusty: (smiling warmly) Y'all kids are without a doubt the nicest humans we've ever seen.

Misty: We are, Trusty. We take care of our Pokemon all the time. Especially my Togepi.

Togepi: Togi.

(Jock climbs onto Misty's lap.)

Jock: Aye, that you do, Misty, me lass.

Ash Ketchum: Lady, how about I give you a nice walk in the park, huh?

Lady: Yes, I'd love that, Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Hey, guys, Pikachu and I are gonna go for a walk with Lady in the park.

Misty: Okay, Ash.

Brock: We'll see you later, Ash.

(Ash, Pikachu and Lady go for a walk in the park. Then, Ash and Pikachu sits on a bench then Lady jumps onto the bench sitting next to Ash and Pikachu.)

Lady: I just don't understand, Ash. Is it true what the street dog said about the baby moving in and I move out?

Ash Ketchum: (petting her gently) No, that's not true, Lady. I'm sure he was just making it up to scare you.

Lady: Since Darling and Jim Dear are expecting a baby. Do you think they forgot all about me?

Ash Ketchum: No, they're just too busy. Nobody can forget you not even Jim Dear and Darling.

Pikachu: Pika.

Ash Ketchum: I recall the time when I didn't pay attention to Pikachu. I spent time with Riolu before it became Lucario. I've never forgotten my little buddy. Right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika.

(Lady climbs onto Ash's lap hugging him.)

Lady: Ash, I am so grateful since you'd gave me a walk in the park. (licks his face affectionately) Jim Dear and Darling will be so happy. Thank you so much.

Ash Ketchum: Aww, you're welcome, Lady.

(Lady is astonished and worried)

Jim Dear: Aha! Now Let's see. That'll be about... Oh well. (he marks all the month)

(In the baby's room Jim Dear is pounding)

Jim Dear: Darling. There isn't any way we can tell for sure what's is going to be, is there?

(Lady thinks about Tramp's warning a lot during the next months)

Darling: I'm afraid not. Nobody ever knows for certain she's writing a list of different names All we can do is... hope.

(Time pass. In a freeze January night, Jim Dear has to go out.)

Jim Dear: Darling? Are you sure you want watermelon?

Darling: Mm-hmm. And some chop suey too!

Jim: Chop suey! Oh! All right Darling!

(February. A party. The house is full of people chattering and laughing)

Woman #1: That's the cutest little thing I ever saw.

Woman #2: And that bonnet! Isn't it just adorable?

Woman #3: Don't you just love showers?

Woman #4: Darling, I've never seen you look more beautiful.

Woman #5: Isn't she absolutely radiant?

Woman #6: Radiant! Why, that's just I told Bill yesterday!

Woman #7: Bill -I said- Darling looks radiant, positively radiant.

Woman #8: Why, in all my days -I said- I've never seen anyone as radiant as Darling.

(Lady abandons the room and goes where men are. But the situation is similar.)

Man #1: Jim, you look terrible!

Man #2: Absolutely horrible!

Man #3: I never saw ya look worse.

Man #4: Cheer up, Jim. Old Doc Jones has never lost a father yet!

(April. A raining night)

Jim: (At the phone) Yes Aunt Sarah, it's a boy! U-Uh a boy! What's that? Eyes? Oh, what colour are they? Well, oh gosh! I-I forget to look! he forgets the phone and runs A boy! It's a boy! It's a Doctor! Doctor it's a boy!

Doctor: Yes, yes, I know.

Jim: Aha, a boy! Oh boy, oh boy. It's a boy. It's a boy!

Aunt Sarah: (at the phone) Hello, hello Jim? Are you there Jim? Central, central, we've been cut off. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello

The baby arrives[edit | edit source]

(A Bright new day. A baby's crying.)

Lady's Voice: What is a baby? (singing) I just can't understand

it must be something wonderful

it must be something grand

'cause everybody's smiling

in a kind and wistful way

and they haven't even noticed

that I'm around today (speaking) What is a baby, anyway? (back to singing)

Oh, what is a baby?

I must find out today

what makes Jim Dear and Darling

act this way.

(She enters in the baby's room, so quietly. Darling has in her arms the baby and is singing a lullaby.)

Darling: La, la lu La, la luoh, my little star sweeperI'll sweep the stardust for youLa, la lu La, la lu

little soft fluffy sleeper

here comes a pink cloud for you

La, la lu

La, la lu

Little wandering angel

fold up your wings, close your eyes

La, la lu

La, la lu

And may love be your keeper

La, la lu

La, la lu

La, la lu (speaking) There now, little star sweeper, dream on.

(Lady wants to see the baby, but she doesn't want to disturb, but Jim and Darling help her. Now Lady is happy again. We see her wagging her tail joyfully.)

Aunt Sarah/We are Siamese[edit | edit source]

Jim: Well that should do it. We got enough here to take us halfway to China. Darling, Darling? We haven't much time.

Darling: Jim, I just can't leave him. He's still so small and helpless

Jim: He'll be all right. Now come on. If he wakes up, we'll never get away.

Darling: But Jim I feel so guilty deserting him like this.

Jim: Nonsense. Hey, what's the matter with Lady?

(Lady is angry with them)

Darling: She thinks we're running out on him.

Jim: Aww, don't worry. my old girl. We'll be back in a few days.

Darling: Aunt Sarah will be here.

(Lady smiles. She understands they are not leaving alone their baby)

Jim: With you here to help her. (Door's bell) There's the old girl now. Coming Aunt Sarah! Coming!

Aunt Sarah: Sorry I'm late dears. Hope I haven't kept you waiting.

Jim: Here, let me take your things.

Aunt Sarah: No, no, No fussing. I know my way around. On your way now. Mustn't miss your train. Have a good time and don't worry about a thing. Goodbye dear. Goodbye, goodbye.

Darling: Goodbye!

Jim: Goodbye!

(She closes the door leaving Lady outside, but she enters by her own door, and goes upstairs to the baby's room)

Aunt Sarah: And now to see that big nephew of mine. Coochie, coochie, coochie, coochie. Oh you adorable little...(gasps) God gracious! What are you doing here? Go on now. Shoo, shoo. Scat. Get out of here! Lady has to go out and the baby starts to cry There, there. Aunt Sarah won't let that dog frighten you anymore. No, no, no, no, dear. (Off of the key) Rock a bye a baby on the treetop

When the wind blows(Lady goes downstairs so sad. She was not going to do any harm the baby. She passes in front of a basket which opens a little to show two pair of eyes)

Ash Ketchum: Lady, what's the matter?

Lady: I wanted to see the baby. But Aunt Sarah wouldn't let me.

Misty: Why, Lady?

Lady: Because Aunt Sarah doesn't like dogs. So, if I was you, it's best if you don't interact with her at all. (whispers) She's a cat person.

Pikachu: (sparks fly from his cheeks) Pika!!!!

Si and Am: We are Siamese if you please

we are Siamese if you don't pleasenow we lookin' over our new domicileif we like we stay for maybe quite a whileSi: Do you seeing that thing swimming round and round?

Am: Yes. Maybe we could reaching in and make it drown if we sneaking up upon it carefully. There will be a head for you, a tail for me

Si: Do you hear what I hear?

Am: A baby cry. (singing) Where we finding baby, there are milk nearby

Si and Am: If we look in baby buggy, there could be

Am: Plenty milk for you and also some for me

(They have been trying to eat the bird and the fish but Lady stops them. The fight and break a lot of things making too much noise. When Aunt Sarah appears the cats simulate they have been hurt by Lady.)

Aunt Sarah: What's going on down there? (sees Si and Am pretending to be hurt and gasped) Merciful heavens! My darlings, my precious pets! Oh, that wicked animals attacking my poor innocent little angels.

(Aunt Sarah assumes that Lady has attacker her two cats gratuitously and has Lady muzzled)

Tramp rescues Lady[edit | edit source]

(Scene changes. We see Aunt Sarah with Lady enter in a pet store. She wants to buy a muzzle)

Pet Store Clerk: Good afternoon ma'am. What can I do for you?.

Aunt Sarah: I want a muzzle. A good, strong muzzle.

Pet Store Clerk: Yes ma'am. Here's out latest combination leash and muzzle. We'll just slip it on like this. And oh, no, no.

Aunt Sarah: Lady!

Pet Store Clerk: Nice doggy. No, no. Don�t wiggle. Steady now! Now, now, now. Careful you little�

Aunt Sarah: Watch out!

Pet Store Clerk: Doggy, careful doggy!

Aunt Sarah: Come back. Come back here I say! Come back here!

(Lady runs away so frightened. She doesn't know where she is going to or what she is going to do but she continues running away. Suddenly she's being chased by some vicious street-dogs. But she's lucky because our friend Tramp spots her and chases off her pursuers.)

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash Ketchum: Lady! (gasps upon seeing Tramp) You again?! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

Pikachu: Pika...CHU!! (zaps Tramp away from Lady)

Misty: Lady, are you alright?

Brock: Are you hurt?

Lady: For the moment.

Ash Ketchum: Are you here to upset Lady again?!

Tramp: Relax, kid, I just saved her.

Ash Ketchum: What?! You saved her? Why?

Tramp: I saw her getting chased by junkyard dogs and that's why I'm here to help you and your friends.

Ash Ketchum: No! You will not dishonor Lady with your trickery. So, whatever you're selling, we ain't buying!

Tramp: Listen, kid, I'm sorry about upsetting you and your friends.

Ash Ketchum: It's a little late for I'm sorry!

Tramp: You gotta trust me on this.

Ash Ketchum: I don't understand you. First, you insulted us. And now you want to help us? Why should we trust you?

Tramp: I don't care if you trust me or not. But this not a trick. Now, hear me out. I know we kinda gotten off to a rough start, but it's best if we work together. If you let me help you guys get that thing off of her, I promise to never say horrible things about humans ever again. Deal?

(Ash grumbles and paces back and forth. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea, considering that Tramp was mean to them and that he made Lady upset during their first meeting.)

Neera: Ash, we owe him Lady's life.

Pilo: Yes, Ash, clearly, we are in his debt. And because you're the leader, your team demands that all debts must be paid…though in this case, you might want to make an exception.

Tramp: Hey Pidge, what are you doing on this side of the tracks? I thought you... Wha... Oh you poor kid. Oh, we've gotta get this off. I think I know the very place. (Tramp reckons that the best way to get rid of the muzzle is to take her to the zoo to find an animal with teeth sharp enough to cope with the task) Come on. Taking Lady's leash in his mouth he led her to the zoo)

Entering the zoo/Help from the beaver[edit | edit source]

Tramp: Well, here we are.

Lady: The zoo?

Tramp: Sure! No, no, this way. Follow me.

Lady: Oh!

Tramp: What's the matter Pige?

Lady: We can't go in?

Tramp: Why not?

Lady: Well, the sign says "We can read! No dogs allowed!"

Tramp: Yeah, well, well that's... That's the angle.

Lady: Angle?

Tramp: Look, we'll just wait for the right.. Uh-oh. Here we are now. Just lay low.

(A typical English man goes out to the zoo and Tramp receives him as his master attracting the policeman attention on him)

Policeman: Hey you!

Professor: Uh, I beg your pardon. Were you addressing me?

Policeman: What's the matter? Can't you read?!

Professor: Well, yes, several languages.

Policeman: Oh, a wise guy, eh? All right, now, what's this creature doing here?!

(Tramp growls and growls angrily at the Policeman.)

Professor: He's not my dog. (Tramp jumps into Professor's arms and licks his face which annoys him)

Policeman: Oh, he's not, eh?

Professor: (annoyed) Let go! Go away! Get down! Go on! (pushes Tramp off) Why, certainly not, officer.

(Tramp picks up the book and the annoyed professor snatched it.)

Policeman: Aye, I suppose you'll be telling me next that it was the dog that was whistling, eh?

Professor: I'm certain I don't know.

Policeman: Oh, so, I'm a liar now, am I?! Will you listen to me?! (Tramp tugs onto the professor's suit which caused it to rip off) Aha! Resisting an officer of the law! Oh, you going to pay! (Tramp bites him on the rear end) Oww! Pull a knife on me, will you?! Trying to assassinate me, you are! Carrying a concealed weapons!

[the zoo security guard's and the professor's fight makes some nearby elephants, lions, and giraffes think the zoo security guard and the professor both have gone crazy, as they watch the fight from their exhibits]

Tramp: [continues barking, then to Lady] Come on, Pidge. The place is ours.

[he enters the zoo with Lady, as the zoo security guard and the professor continue fighting]

Tramp: We'd better go through this place from A to Z. Apes. No, no, no, no. No use even asking them.

[one of the apes in their cage scratches his head at the two dogs, while the other two both look at the audience]

Tramp: They wouldn't understand.

Lady: They wouldn't?

Tramp: Uh-uh. Too closely related to humans. Uh-oh! Alligators. Now, there's an idea! [to an alligator about the muzzle] Say, Al? Do you suppose you could nip this contraption off for us?

Al the Alligator: Glad to oblige. [Opens his mouth wide to the point where Lady's entire head can fit in it]

Tramp: Whoa, WHOA! [An alligator nearly, and accidentally, bites Lady's head off, but the Tramp saves her at the last second and the hyena laughs hysterically in his cage at both Lady and Tramp] Huh! If anybody ever needed the muzzle is here.

Beaver: [off-screen] TIMBER!

Tramp: Hey, Pigeon! Look out! [the tree falls over close to the two dogs] Now, what fur-brains idiot would-? [notices a beaver chewing on the tree] Hey, look! It's a beaver! Here's the answer to our problem!

Ash: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Beaver: [inspects the tree] Let me see here... 6 foot 6 and 7/16 inches.

Tramp: Uh... Pardon me, friend! I wonder if you'd do us the little...

Beaver: Busy, sonny! Busy! You wanna take to gossip now. [tries to push the tree] Gotta slide this sycamore to...the swampy river.

Tramp: Yeah, well, this will only take a second of your time.

Beaver: Only the second!? L-Listen! Listen, sonny! Do you realize every second 70 centimeters of water is wasted over that spillway?! [points to his unfinished dam]

Tramp: Yeah, but...

Beaver: Gotta get this log movin' sonny. Gotta get it movin' That the cuttin' takes the time. It's the doggone haulin.

Tramp: The haulin. Exactly. Now, what you need is...

Beaver: Better bisect this section here.

Tramp: What you need is a log puller. (then noticed the beaver was gnawing again, raising his voice) I SAID A LOG PULLER!!

(The beaver blinked rapidly and scratched the inside of his ear.)

Beaver: I ain't deef, sonny. There's no need to... (notices what Tramp told him) Did you say log puller?

Tramp: And, by a lucky coincidence, you see before you modelled by the lovely little lady, (stepped aside to show the beaver Lady still trapped like he was a game show host offering prizes) the new improved, patented, handy dandy, never fail, little giant long puller. The busy beaver's friend.

Beaver: You don't say!

Tramp: Guaranteed not to wear, tear, rip or ravel. Turn around sister and show the customer the merchandise.

(Lady showed the beaver, trying to model. She really wanted this to be over with.)

Tramp: And it cuts logs hauling time 66%.

Beaver: 66%, eh? (chuckles) Think of that! Well, how's it work?

Tramp: Why, it's no work at all. You merely slip this ring over the limb, like this, and haul it off.

Beaver: Say you mind if I slip it on for size.

Tramp: Help yourself, friend!

Beaver: Okay, don't mind if I do. How do you get the concerned thing off, sonny?

Tramp: Glad you brought that up, friend. To remove it, simply place the strap between your teeth.

Beaver: Like this?

Tramp: Correct friend. Now, bite hard! Ya see?

(The beaver nodded and bit hard. It was so hard, the muzzle was finally off, freeing Lady.)

(Lady brushed her nose and smiled)

Lady: It's off!

Ash Ketchum: Well, what do you know?

Beaver: Say, that is simple.

Tramp: Well, friend, we'll be on our way now, so...

(Tramp was about to walk off with the heroes)

Beaver: Uh-uh-uh, not so fast now, sonny. I'll have to make certain it's satisfactory before we settle on a price.

Tramp: Oh no, it's all yours, friend. You can keep it.

Beaver: Uh. I can huh? I can?

Lady: Uh-huh, it's a free sample.

(Tramp looks at Lady, feeling victorious and glad they helped him sell the muzzle leash to the beaver.)

Beaver: Well, thanks a lot! Thanks ever so...

(The dogs and heroes were long gone once the beaver rolled down the hill with his log now attached with him. The beaver felt great once he got his log in place of his dam. Now, he could celebrate!)

Beaver: Say! It works swell!

Lady and Tramp's night out[edit | edit source]

(Scene changes. The heroes, Lady and the Tramp are walking by the street and she's telling him about the muzzle)

Lady: But when she put me that horrible muzzle on me...

Tramp: Say no more. I get the hole picture. Aunts, cats, muzzles. Well that�s what comes of tying yourself down to one family.

Lady: Haven't you had a family?

Tramp: One for every day of the week. The point is, none of them have me.

Lady: I'm afraid I don't understand.

Tramp: It's simple. You see sniff Hey! Something tells me it's supper time. Come on, I'll show you what I mean. Now take the Schultzes here. Little Fritzie. That's me Pidge, makes this his Monday home.

Lady: Monday home?

Tramp: (German accent) Ach, ya!. Monday is Mamma Schultz cooking Wiener schnitzel. Mmmm-mmmmm!. Delicious. (Irish accent) Now, O'Briens here is where little Mike. Sure that's me again-comes of a Tuesday.

Lady: Of a Tuesday?

Tramp Begorra and that's when they're after havin' that darlin' corn beef. You see Pidge, when you're footloose and collar-free, you take nothing but the best.


Tramp: Tony's! Of course. The very place for a very special occasion.

Ash Ketchum: What a nice looking restaurant.

(Lady was about to go to the front door)

Tramp: No this way, Pidge. I have my own private entrance. Wait here.

Tony Just wait one minute. I�m a-comin�, I�m a- What�s a matter? Somebody�s a makin� April fool with� Tramp barks Oh hello Butch! Where are you been so long? Hey Joe, look who�s here!

Joe Well what do ya know? It�s a Butch-a

Tony Hey, hey, hey, Joe�laughing Joe brings some bones for Butch before he eat me up.

Joe Okay Tony, okay. Bones a-coming up-a.

Tony Tramp shows him Lady Huh? Huh? Oh! What�s this? Hey Joe! Look-a Butch, he�s got a new girlfriend

Joe Well, son of a gun! He�s got a cocker Spanish a-girl.

Tony Hey, she�s pretty. Sweet kiddo Butch. You take a Tony�s advice and settle down with this-a one, eh?

Lady This-a one?

Tramp This-a one? Oh! Tony, you know- He�s not a speak-a English pretty good.

Tony Now, first fix the table.

Joe Here�s your bones, Tony!

Tony Okay bones. Bones! What�s the matter for you, Joe? I break-a your face-a. Tonight, Butch, he�s a get a-best in a-house!

Joe Okay Tony, you the boss.

Tony Now, tell what�s your pleasure? A la carte? Dinner? Tramp barks ordering something Aha, okay. Hey Joe! Butch-a, he says he wants-a two spaghetti especiale. Heavy on a meats-a-ball-a.

Joe Tony, dogs don�t talk.

Tony He�s a-talkin� to me!

Joe Okay he�s a-talkin� to you! You the boss. Mamma m�a!

Tony: Now here you are-a. The best-a spaghetti in-a town.

(both start eating, meanwhile Tony and Joe play a song)

Tony: Oh this is the night

it's a beautiful night

and we call it bella notte

Look at the skies

they have stars in their eyes

on this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one

you'll find enchantment here

the night will weave its magic spell

when the one you love is near

For this is the night

and the heavens are right

on this lovely bella notte

Chorus: Oh this is the night

it's a beautiful night

and we call it bella notte

Look at the skies

they have stars in their eyes

on this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one

you'll find enchantment here

the night will weave its magic spell

when the one you love is near

For this is the night

and the heavens are right

on this lovely bella notte

(Afterwards Tramps takes Lady for a romantic stroll in the park.)

Chicken chase/Lady goes to the pound[edit | edit source]

(Scene changes. We hear a roster crowing, and our friends, Tramp and Lady, wake up.)

Lady: Oh! Oh, dear!

Tramp: Is something wrong Pige?

Lady: It's morning.

Tramp: Yeah. Hmmm. So it is

Lady: I should've been home hours ago.

Tramp: Why? Because you believe in that ever faithful old dog trail routine? Aww, come on, pidge. Open up your eyes?

Lady: Open my eyes?

Tramp: To what a dog's life can really be. Show ya what I mean. Look down there. Tell me what you see.

Lady: Well I see nice homes with yards and fences.

Tramp: Exactly. Life on a leash. Look again Pidge. Look there's a great big hunk of the world down there with no fence around it where two dogs can find adventure and excitement, and beyond those distant hills who knows what wonderful experiences. And it's all ours for the taking, Pidge. It's all ours.

Lady: It sounds wonderful.

Tramp: But?

Lady: But who'd watch over the baby?

Tramp: He agrees reluctantly to escort her You win. Come on. I'll take ya home.

(On their way we see the City pound wagon again.)

Tramp: (humming) It's a beautiful night

And they call it bella...

(Suddenly he sees chickens.) It's fun time Not to change the subject but, ever, chase chickens?

Lady: I should say not.

Tramp: Oh, oh! Then you've never lived!

Lady: But we shouldn't.

Tramp: I know. That's what makes it fun. Aw, come on kid. Start building some memories.

Lady: But we, we won't hurt the chickens.

Tramp: Hurt 'em? No! we'll just stir 'em up a bit. Just look those fat, lazy biddies. They should have been up hours ago. He barks and all the chickens and Lady also, run away, horrified Some fun, eh kid?

Man: Hey, what's goin' on in there? (he fires)

Lady What's there?

Tramp That's the signal to get going. Come on! Whee! This is livin' eh kid?

Lady: Is it?

Tramp: Come on Pige. Follow me.

(Lady has been captured and taken to the City pound where she meets some of Tramp's friends)

Tramp: You know, there's a little bit of bird dog in all of us, eh, Pige? Pige? Pige? Pige? Where are ya, Pige? Pige! Pigeon! Oh Pige!

(Dog pound. We hear a lot of barks and howls. We see a group of assorted dogs humming and howling the song, 'Home Sweet Home'. The four singers are Toughy, an American mongreal; Boris, a Russian wolfhound; Pedro, a Mexican Chihuahua, and Bull, an English bulldog. Their singing is a sonic camouflage: Dachsie, a dachshound is digging a tunnel under the wall.)

Toughy Hey, hey Dachsie, how we comin'?

Dachsie One just more chorus and we're out.

Toughy Okay, on a downbeat. One, two,

(a door creaking: Lady's coming)

Man: Put her in number four, Bill, while I check her licence number.

Bill: Okay . All right baby, in here.

Toughy: Well, well, look youse guys Miss Park Avenue herself.

Bull: Blimey, a regular bloomin' debutantee.

Toughy: Yeah and pipe the crown jewel she's wearin'.

Bull: Yeah What ya in for sweetheart? Puttin� fleas on the butler laughs

Peg: All right, all right you guys. Lay off, will ya?

Toughy: What�s the matter Peg?

Bull: We was only havin' a bit of sport, we was.

Peg: Can't ya see the poor kid's scared enough already?

Boris: Pay no attention my little 'orchechornya'.

Peg: That's right daerie. They don�t mean no real hurt.

Boris: Is like Gorky says in Lower Dapts: Miserable beings must find more miserable beings, then are happy.

Peg: Boris is a philosopher.

Boris Besides little 'bublichki, wearing a licence here, that is like waving. You should excuse the expression red flag in front of bull.

Lady My licence? But what�s wrong with it?

Peg: There ain't nothin' wrong with it, dearie.

Boris: Confidential. Is not one dog here would not give left hind leg for such a knick-knack.

Peg: That's your passport to freedom, honey. Without it�

Toughy: Hey, hey, youse guys, look. Poor Nutsy is takin� the long walk.

Lady: Where is he takin� him?

Toughy: Through the one-way door sister.

Lady: You.. you mean, he's...?

Bull: Oh well, a short life and a merry one.

Toughy:Yeah, that's what that Tramp always says.

Lady: The Tramp?

Bull: There's a bloke what never gets caught.

Toughy: He's given the slip to every dog catcher in this burg.

Peg: You won't believe this, dearie, but no matter how tight a jam he's in the Tramp always finds some way out.

Lady: I can quite easily believe that.

Boris: But, remember my friends, even Tramp has his Achilles heel.

Pedro: Pardon me, amigo, what is this 'chilli heel'?

Boris: Achilles heel, Pedro. This is meaning his, uh, weaknesses.

Toughy: Oh, oh, the dames yeah!

Bull: He has an eye for a well-turned paw, he has. Let's see there's been Lulu

Toughy: Yeah, and Trixie.

Dachsie: Und Fifi.

Pedro: And my sister Rosita Chiquita Juanita Chihuahua, I think.

Peg: What a dog!

Toughy: Yeah, tell us about it, Peg.

Peg: What a dog!

Bull: Peg used to be in the Dog and Pony Follies.

(Music starts playing)

Peg: He's a tramp

but they love him

breaks a new heart every day

He's a tramp

they adore him

and I only hope he'll stay that way

He's a tramp

he's a scoundrel

he's a rounder

he's a cad

he's a tramp

but I love him

yes, even I have got it pretty bad

You never can tell when he'll show up

he gives you plenty of trouble

I guess he's just a no-'count pup

but I wish that he were double

He's a tramp

he's a rover

and there's nothing more to say

If he's a tramp, he's a good one

And I wish that I could travel his way

Wish that I could travel his way

Wish that I could travel his way

(song ends)

Toughy: Yeah, but he never takes 'em serious.

Boris: Ah, but someday he is meeting someone different, some delicate, fragile creature who is giving him a wish to shelter and protect.

Bull: Like Miss Park Avenue here, eh, matey?

Boris: Mmmm. Could be. But when he does...

Peg: Yah, I'm a way ahead of ya. Under the spell of true love.

Bull: The poor chump grows careless..

Boris: The Cossacks are picking him up

Toughy: And it's curtains for the Tramp.

Man: It's the little cocker, Bill in the number four..

Bill: Okay. All right baby. They've come to take ya home. You're too nice a girl to be in this place.

Lady scolding Tramp[edit | edit source]

(Lady's home. She has returned but now she is chained in disgrace to an outdoor kennel.)

Jock: Courage, man, courage!.

Trusty: But I've never even considered matrimony.

Jock: Nor I, but no matter which of us she accepts, we'll always be the best of friends. Now remember, not a word aboot' her unfortunate experience. You don't want to hurt her feelings.

Trusty: Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jock: Lassie!

Trusty: Miss Lady, ma'am.

Lady: Please, I don't want to see anybody.

Jock: Now, now lassie. Do not feel that way about it.

Trusty: Of course not, Miss Lady. Why, some of the finest people I ever tracked down were jailbirds.

Jock: Quiet! You great loony! Uh, please, lassie, we've come with a proposition for helpin' ya.

Lady: Help me!. What do you mean?

Jock: Well, now, you see lassie, neither of us is as young as we used to be.

Trusty: But we're still in the prime of life.

Jock: Awe, and we both got very comfortable homes.

Trusty: That's right. Where we know you'll be welcome and appreciated, Miss Lady.

Jock: So to come directly to the point clears his throat

Trusty: If you could, uh, find it possible, to, uh, to uh...

Lady: You're both very kind and I do appreciate it, but...

(When Tramp comes to apologize, the three of them refuse to listen to him.)

Tramp: Oh Pigeon! Oh Pidge! Oh hi boys! Anything new in the kennel club, eh? Little something I picked up for ya Pige.

Lady: Humph!

Tramp: Looks like I'm the one that's in the doghouse.

Trusty: If this person is annoyin' Miss Lady...

Jock: We'll gladly throw the rascal out!

Lady: That won't be necessary. Thank you.

Trusty: Very well, ma'am.

Jock: You, you mongrel!

Ash Ketchum: (furiously) Tramp, do you have any idea how stupid it was to be trespassing onto people's property?!

Pikachu; Pika!

Misty: Yeah, you've got Lady into this stupid mess! How could you?! We thought you were a nice dog?!

Tramp: But I just wanted to have fun.

Brock: By dragging her into all of that trouble?! You called that fun?!

Baylene: We cannot believe you would do something like that on purpose, young man!

Tramp: I was only trying to get her to loosen up.

Plio: Well, that's no excuse for all that trouble you've caused today!

Aladar: We don't know what to believe anymore.

Tramp: Aww, come on, pidge. It wasn't my fault.

Lady: Hmph.

Tramp: I thought you were right behind me, honest. When I heard they'd taking you to the pound. I...

Lady: Oh, don't even mention that horrible place. I was so embarrassed and frightened.

Tramp: Oh, now, now. Who could harm a cute little trick like you?

Lady: (furiously) Trick?! Trick?! That reminds me, who is Trixie?!

Tramp: Trixie?

Lady: And, Lulu, and Fifi, and Rosita, Chiquita, whatever her name is?!

Tramp: (stuttering) Oh, yes.

Lady: As far as I'm concerned you needn't worry about your old heel.

Tramp: My heel?

Lady: I don't need you to shelter and protect me!

Tramp: Yes, but-but...

Lady: If you grow careless, don't blame me! And I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up! Goodbye! (marches back to her doghouse and kicks the bone he gave her) And take this with you!

(Lady goes into her doghouse and breaks down crying. Tramp sadly leaves the yard.)

Tramp fights the rat[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: Come on, guys. Let's go inside.

(His friends agree as they go inside but just then as it starts to rain a rat comes into the yard.)

Pikachu: (sparks sputter) Pika!!!!!!

Ash Ketchum: Huh?

(Lady comes out of her doghouse and growls angrily at the rat. She attempts to catch the rat but to no avail. Lady barks loudly trying to get Aunt Sarah's attention to warn her about the rat.)

Aunt Sarah: Stop that! (Lady continues barking as the rat enters the baby's room) Hush, stop it! Hush, stop it! (refuses to notice) Stop that racket! (closes the window)

Tramp: What's wrong, pidge?

Lady: A rat!

Tramp: Where?

Lady: Upstairs! In the baby's room!

Tramp: How do I get in?

Lady: The little door on the porch!

(Tramp enter in the house and sniffing he finds the rat in the baby's room. A terrible fight starts. Lady continues barking and she success in breaking her chain, joins Tramp. When she arrives, she sees how Tramp is fighting with the rat, but the baby's crib is on the floor but the baby's right. While Lady watches over the baby, Tramp corners the rat at last behind the curtains and kills it. Aunt Sarah has heard the noise and the cries.)

Aunt Sarah: Merciful heavens! Oh, you poor little darling. Now, now, now, now, now. Thank goodness you're not harm. You-your vicious brutes. Back, get back! Go on! Get back! The pound! The pound! That's it!! I'll call the pound! (She dashes in to find the two dogs who she assumes have been attacking the baby. Lady is locked in the cellar while Tramp is taken off to the pound. She has not seen the rat) Come here you, come here. Come on. Come on. Come along! I'll call them this minute. Couldn't sleep a wink with that brute in the house. We hear a phone bell rings Hello! Hello! I don't care if you're alone there, young man. I insist you pick him up immediately.

(Lady tries to find a way to escape and help her friend, but it's of no use.)

Trusty and Jock save Tramp[edit | edit source]

(Scene changes. Jim Dear and Darling are going back home and see the City Pound Wagon in front of their house.)

Jim: Darling, look!

Aunt Sarah: And if you want my advice, you'll destroy that animal at once.

Dog Catcher: Don't worry ma'am. We've been after this one for months. We'll take care of him.

Darling: Well what do you suppose?

Jim: Hey, what's going on here?

Dog Catcher: Just pickin' up a stray mister. Come on! Get up! Caught him attackin' a baby!

Jim: Good heavens!

Darling: My baby!

Jim: Aunt Sarah!

Darling: Aunt Sarah! Aunt Sarah!

Jim: Aunt Sarah!

Darling: Aunt Sarah!

Jock: I was certain he was no good the moment I first laid eyes on him.

Trusty: Yeah, but, uh, I never thought he'd do a thing like that.

Aunt Sarah: Thank goodness I got there in time. There they were, crib overturned.

Jim: I'm sure there must be some mistake. I know Lady wouldn't.

(Lady rushes over to the curtains and barks louder)

Aunt Sarah: Watch out! That dog's loose! Keep her away!

Jim: Nonsense. She's trying to tell us something. What is it old girl? What are you trying?

(Jim lifts a corner of the curtain and there lay the dead rat. Then, they understand everything)

Jim: Darling! Aunt Sarah! Come here!

Darling: What is it, Jim?

Aunt Sarah: (gasps in shock) Ahh! A rat!

(Trusty and Jock heard what just happened.)

Trusty: (shocked) A rat? We should've known.

Jock: I misjudged him... badly.

Ash Ketchum: (groans in remorse) It's all my fault. I should've been too hard on Tramp.

Trusty: Aww, there, there, Ash.

Jock: It's our fault too.

Misty: We also have ourselves to blame too.

Brock: We got to save Tramp before he gets destroyed!

Trusty: I agree with you Brock! Come on! We got to stop that wagon!

Jock: But, man, we do not know which way they've gone. 

Trusty: We'll track 'em down. 

Jock: And then?

Trusty: We'll hold 'em, hold 'em at bay.

Jock Now what?

Trusty The scent. Follow the scent.

Jock: Let's face it man. We both know you've lost your sense of smell.

(Using Trusty's nonexistent sense of smell, they try to track down the wagon, and miraculously they do, racing after it with Jim dear and Darling not far behind in a cab. They succeed in stopping the wagon and saving Tramp, but in the excitement the wagon overturns, crushing poor Trusty)

Dog Catcher: Go on! Get outta here! Go on you! Get away! Go on! Get away! Watch it now! Watch it! Watch it!

Tramp: Hi Pidge! (Both smile at each other)

Ash Ketchum: Tramp, we're really sorry we've misjudged you in the beginning.

Pikachu: Pika.

Tramp: Aww, that's okay, kid. You were right to be so angry with me.

Ending[edit | edit source]

(It's Christmas time again: Jim Dear and Darling have quite a time getting them all in a Christmas picture, all holding still at the same time. The baby's grown up and Lady and the Tramp have a litter of naughty puppies.)

Jim: All right everybody! Watch the birdie! Steady now. Hold it! I guess I used a little too much. Uh-oh, Darling. Visitors.

Darling: Visitors? Why, it's Jock!

Jim: And good old Trusty.

(Yes, the poor old Trusty has only suffered a broken leg and he has a cast on it.)

Jock: Careful man. Careful. It's a wee bit slippery.

Trusty: Yes, yes.

Tramp: All right boy! We'll let them in.

(Trusty and Jock come into the living room. A tearful Ash hugs Trusty and he hugs him back.)

Ash Ketchum: (crying) Oh, Trusty, we thought we lost you.

Trusty: (gently) It's all right, son. I just broke my leg.

Misty: Trusty, we're really sorry about your leg.

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Trusty: Aww, don't worry so much, Misty, I'll live.

Jock: (climbing onto Misty's lap) Yes, rest assured, lassie. Trusty has a minor fracture.

Lady: (hugging Ash) I love you, Ash. (licking his face)

Ash Ketchum: I love you too, Lady.

Darling: No, no, not you, young man. You�re going to take a nap.

Jim: Well, merry Christmas. Come in. Come in. If you just step in the parlour I�ll see about refreshments. Oh darling, where did you put the dog biscuits? You know, the box Aunt Sarah sent for Christmas.

Darling: In the kitchen, Jim Dear.

Trusty: Oh no doubt about it. They�ve got their mother�s eyes.

Jock: Aye. But there�s a bit of their father in �em too. Well and I see you finally acquired a collar.

Tramp: Oh yes, complete with licence.

Trusty: Oh yeah, a new collar. Caught the scent the moment I came in the house.

Jock: Trusty I says. Trusty somebody's wearin' a new collar.

Trusty: Of course, now my sense of smell is very highly developed. Runs in the family, you know?

Jock: There'll be no livin' with him from now on

Trusty: as my grandpappy, Old Reliable, used to say� I don�t recollect if I ever mentioned Old Reliable before?

Puppies: No you haven�t, Uncle Trusty.

Trusty: Huh? I haven't? Well, uh, as Old Reliable used to say, He'd say, uh, uh, he'd say, uh, uh Uh-hmmm? Doggone! You know. I clean forgot what it was he used to say.

Off singing voice: Peace, my children of good will

peace, my children, peace, be still