A Knight to Remember/Transcript
Piglet at Chestland edit
(as Piglet jumps out the chest he suddenly enters another land.)
- Piglet: Uh-oh. Where am I?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: There you are you sneaky a little knight. I knew I find ya.
- Piglet: Tigger what's happened?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Tiggers, what are they? Better still, what are they?
- Piglet: Why they're...I mean...it's you.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: It is?
- Piglet: Oh yes. You're the one and only Tigger.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: I liked the sound of that. But I'm not Tigger. I'm the Bishop a Bounce (bounced away and back behind Piglet.) See?
- Piglet: Yipes!
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: But you can call me Tigger if you want to. Is pretty of spiffy name after all. And you little knight are just what we're looking for.
- Piglet: We?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Oh yeah, Prince Goldenrod and his loyal companions from the kingdom of Goldenrod City arrived at Chestland to help us find a knight. They should be there by now.
- Piglet: Prince Goldenrod?
(Just then they saw a Charizard flying in landed on the ground revealing Prince Goldenrod and his loyal friends (resembling to Ash, Misty, and Brock) riding on it's back.)
- Piglet: A Charizard?
- Prince Goldenrod: (jumps off of Charizard) Bish-Hop.
- Pikachu: Pika?
- Lady Misty: Have you found the knight?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: I sure have. Lady Misty. (points to Piglet) And here he is.
- Sir Brock: Though he has some armor. thine countenances he is small.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Not to worry Sir Brock. He is the knight we're looking for.
- Piglet: I am?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: In fact the whole kingdom's been looking for ya.
- Piglet: I'm probably not going to like the answer to this. But I simply must ask. Why me?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: How are we supposed to fight the dragon without a knight in shining armor?
- Piglet: Dragon?! Oh dear!
(Fades black to commercial break.)
Meeting Rabbit the Wizard edit
(End commercial break fades back to Piglet, walking with Prince Goldenrod, Pikachu, Lady Misty, Sir Brock and the Bishop a Bounce to the castle.)
- Piglet: You want me to fight a what?
(They hear a huge roar sounded like braying that made the ground shook.)
- The Bish-hop of Bounce: A one of them a dreadful dragon.
- Prince Goldenrod: We were summoned here by King Pooh to help deal with the situation.
- Sir Brock: In help for the search of the knight to save the kingdom of Chestland.
- Piglet: (chuckles) I really don't I think I can fight a dreadful dragon.
- Lady Misty: You are a knight aren't you?
- Piglet: Oh no. Not at all.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: That's shining armor you're wearing, isn't it?
- Piglet: Well yes, but...
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: And knights in shining armor fight dreadful dragons, Hmm?
- Piglet: Well yes. But--
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Then come on. We've been looking for a knight like you all day. Hoo-hoo.
(The bump into Rabbit the Wizard.)
- Rabbit the Wizard: You dare bounce a great wizard? Do you want me to turn you into a snail.
- Prince Goldenrod: Apologies, Rabbit the Wizard. We are in the rush to bring the knight we found to King Pooh.
- Rabbit the Wizard: Must be spring. The knights are getting shorter. Before the...(clears his throat) Interruption. I was about conjure up on myself. So, if you excuse me. (prepares to cast his spell.) Oh, great whoses and mighty what not. (sky turns to storm clouds) Hear my magic words. Eye of patato. Here of core.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Say, not half bad. Not even a quarter bad.
- Rabbit the Wizard: Carrot cake and vegetable stew. Bring us a knight. Who fights dragons too. (The spell turns Rabbit into a frog.)
- Prince Goldenrod: Huh?
- Rabbit the Wizard: (in frog form) Well? (ribbit) Where's the knight? Where he is he? (looks at himself.) Oh no! Oh my! I'm a frog! A frog! (ribbit) What went wrong?
- Lady Misty: I think you need a little more practice.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: See around the lilly pond oh great wizard. Come on knight. We gotta get you to his royal Poohness. The King of all chest land.
- Piglet: King who?
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: King Pooh. that's who. Hoo-Hoo.
Meeting King Pooh/Piglet gets new armor edit
(At the castle King Pooh is taking a nap while Prince Goldenrod and his campanions, along with the Bish-Hop of Bounce and Piglet approaches at the throne room.)
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: Greetings, your royal royaltyness.
(Bish-Hop kneels before the queen and notice Piglet isn't kneeling and push his head down to bow down. And King Pooh wakes up.)
- King Pooh: Is lunch served?
- Prince Goldenrod: No, Your Majesty. We have come to bring you good news.
- The Bish-Hop of Bounce: We bring ya. One dragon slayer to go!
- King Pooh: How very nice. (to Piglet) You've come to fight the dragon whose been such a bother to us all?
- Piglet: Well, um...no actually, uh...I was just passing through and--
(The sound the dragon's roar shook the ground.)
- Prince Goldenrod: Egads!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Lady Misty: The sound of the dragon has gotten worse.
- Piglet: (points at the hourglass) Oh my, will you look at the time. I really must be going. If I'm not back soon. Start the dragon fight without me.